Ford Focus 1.0: A Magnificent Piece of Green.2

by on Jun.19, 2012, under Formula1, Fun, Green Cars

Real-Time Fuel Efficient
Ford clears some misconceptions about the “fuel efficiency” feature of green cars. Most green car enthusiasts are puzzled when they are presented with facts about the fuel consumption of both green and hybrid cars. Actually, the efficiency will only be maximized based on the driver’s usage and driving mechanism. Ford assures all its clients that their new Ford Focus 1.0 will give nothing but real-time results regarding its fuel efficiency.

The Dawn of the New Era

As the Ford released the smallest engine in green cars, it already claimed numerous positive results and expected buyers. Is it the start of a new generation where the smallest engine is the coolest? We will all know in few years. But one thing is certain, green cars cannot be stopped from its rampaging pace.

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